What is an Absolute URL link?

An absolute link is a hyperlink containing a full URL, which includes all the information needed to find a particular site, page or document or other addressable item on the Internet

This information includes:

  1. The 'protocol' to use, such as HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) or FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
  2. The domain name of the site..
  3. The directory or subdirectory (directory within a directory) in the domain.
  4. The file name of the item, often includes the extension defining the type of item e.g. HTML file, PDF file, image file, video, etc.

A good example of this URL with all the above features is


Absolute links are invariably unique. That is, for any specific copy of a document or for any specific page or directory on the Web, there exists one and only one absolute link.

When building pages or adding images, for example, an absolute URL are not always used by page authors or webmaster, because, once a computer has found its way to a certain domain or directory, it does not need to have that domain or directory name specified again in order to locate the sought-after item.

Links are either absolute or relative. A relative link may consist of just a file name, because relative links only have to be unique within their domain or directory. When a relative link appears on a Web page, the browser understands that the file exists in the same domain or directory as the page itself.

Relative links can be faster to load because the browser doesn’t have to start from scratch to find the site and then the content.

Thanks to what.is/techtarget for this info