Custom & multiple price lists on DoPricer CPQ

DoPricer handles multiple custom price lists for you, so that the correct price can be applied on a line item based on the agreement with that customer.

Availability: Requires DoPricer CPQ Plus
How it works example: You have companies that buy at different agreed prices to buy products at different prices. That is where custom price lists are the solution.
When the sales rep creates new line items, DoPricer automatically sets the right price, just like it does for discounts. DoPricer records the decision it made, in the line item property "DoPricer price message".
  1. For example each product in your product library has a separate price properties like this:

    • Price AUD

    • Wholesale AUD

    • Reseller AUD

    • OEM AUD

    • Company XYZ AUD

    • and so on. 

How to Set it up:
  1. Currently each Price List will be created and added to your HubSpot portal by HubDo support. The Price List appears as another price property in your product library:

    • As the prices are in your product library, you can easily export/import to populate all the prices

  2. If your portal only uses a single currency today, you will need to active at least one other currency, even if you archive it soon after setup. This is because HubSpot doesn't have a currency indicator on number properties so activating a second currency activates the extra properties.

  3. We will create create the properties in your Product Library and dropdown 'Price List" selector dropdown property to your HubSpot Company objects

    • So you can preselect on each company, which price list will apply to all deals and quotes for that company

    • You can even set up a HubSpot Company-based workflow to automatically set the price list 

How is the Price List Applied?

When adding products to a Deal, select that price list to match the Company from the price list dropdown.
If XYZ Company has the same price, you "can" leave those blank if you want, as the default price would apply
You will also see a new "Price List" dropdown property on each Company, which has the following options (examples only):
  • Price AUD
  • Price USD
Your next steps are: When you're adding line items on a Deal or a Quote, the price will automatically be applied from the custom price list (as long as DoPricer is enabled and the price list is selected)
  1. Archive the USD currency if you don't need it
  2. Remove the Price USD option on the Company Price List dropdown
  3. On XYZ Company, make sure DoPricer Enabled = ON, and set the Price List to XYZ AUD
  4. Set some XYZ Company prices on products in your product library
  5. Try creating some line items on a deal or quote for XYZ Company. Press refresh to see the price change to the XYZ Company price.

When you add a new line item for any product to a XYZ Company deal or quote, look at the "DoPricer Price Message" property on that line item.


Need more help?

See DoPricer CPQ Support



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