I've subscribed to DoCurrencies but it won't update?

I can't turn the Master Switch ON - what should I do?

You've subscribed to DoCurrencies on the HubDo Marketplace for daily currency updates in your HubSpot portal. In the final steps of the subscription process you added the HubSpot portal ID# to the account you'll be using DoCurrencies. 

Note: The subscription ID# entered, MUST match the portal you chose to use DoCurrencies.

Before contacting support@hubdo.com


Q.1. Can you turn ON DoCurrencies?

Q.2. Did you add the correct HubSpot portal ID# to your subscription?

The subscription ID# entered, MUST match the portal you chose to use DoCurrencies.

If the ID# you added to your Subscription does not match DoCurrencies, you won't be able to turn the Master switch ON to use DoCurrencies.


Check with support@hubdo.com to confirm the details of your subscription. If the portal ID# does not match:

> Go to the HubDo Marketplace to order DoCurrencies a second time, for the correct portal. Then you can uninstall, reinstall it and activate it.

Managing Multiple HubSpot Portals 

If you have admin access to a number of HubSpot portals and wish to connect DoCurrencies or any DoApp to each, we recommend you re-name the Apps. Use our Help docs to manage this >

Help Docs:

Uninstall or Reinstall without affecting data: How to uninstall, reinstall DoCurrencies

Rename Apps step: Renaming Apps in the HubDo Marketplace.