Your step-by-step guide to starting your DoPricer free trial subscription and installing DoPricer in your HubSpot Portal
About DoPricer CPQ
1. Create a HubDo Marketplace Account & Subscription
2. Connect DoPricer CPQ to your HubSpot
3. Install, Re-install or Uninstall DoPricer CPQ on HubSpot
4. Test your Master Switch in your App Settings
5. How to Setup Company View for managing DoPricer Discounts
6. How to set a default discount per company
7. Setting up Custom Price Lists - contact for assistance
About DoPricer CPQ
DoPricer CPQ enables users to easily manage Customer Discounts & Price Lists without leaving HubSpot
- DoPricer CPQ automates customer pricing in HubSpot, applying each customer's agreed discounts and prices instantly, saving time and avoiding overcharging.
- DoPricer CPQ can be added to any HubSpot edition but is best suited for Professional and Enterprise Editions due to the Product Library available in each.
- DoPricer CPQ discounts and price lists work well with HubSpot Quotes and 3rd party integrations including PandaDoc, for sending accurate quotes fast.
Create your subscription and connect DoPricer CPQ to your HubSpot:
Follow these easy steps to create your DoPricer free trial subscription and connect the app to your chosen HubSpot account. The button below will open the DoPricer App on the HubDo Marketplace in a new browser window so these instructions will stay put!
First: Create your DoPricer free trial subscription in HubDo Marketplace:
1. Go to the DoPricer product page on HubDo Marketplace
Tip: Use a company email address, not etc., when signing up a new company on HubDo Marketplace. As a B2B platform, HubDo Marketplace associates your account subscriptions will your email domain name.
2. On HubDo Marketplace, search for DoPricer if needed, and click Start a Free Trial
3. Log in to HubDo Marketplace or Sign Up to Create a new account
4. Your Free Trial request takes you directly to the shopping cart to Check Out
DoPricer "Standard" edition is the default free trial. Click Change if you require the Plus edition which also requires onboarding help with HubDo.
5. You also must add your HubSpot Portal ID as additional information.
Next to the yellow "HubDo requires additional information" press Edit
Enter your HubSpot Portal ID and press Save details
Ignore any 'optional' message. Your HubSpot portal ID is required to activate DoPricer.
Tip: Locate your HubSpot Portal ID by pulling down the right-side menu inside HubSpot. Your portal ID is displayed just below your profile. for example 9876543
5. Click NEXT and Complete Purchase to create your Free Trial subscription.
You will see a "Thanks for your purchase" screen
Click on View My Products or the 9-dots icon in the top menu bar,
to see the DoPricer App in your MyApps screen
Initially, the Icon appears in faded grey, whilst the “account is being created”
Tip: App icons appear greyed out when they are in the process of being 'created'. Wait a few moments then refresh your screen. After a few moments, the icon will turn solid.
6. Click on the solid DoPricer CPQ app icon to Connect DoPricer to your HubSpot Portal
If presented with several HubSpot portals, select the correct one to match the Portal ID you entered earlier. Then press the button Choose Account
Tip: You must be a Super Admin in your HubSpot portal to install an app
Click > Connect app
Now, you will automatically return to our support documents for the configuration of DoPricer in the HubSpot account.
If you prefer to purchase via your HubDo Marketplace account
Click > Log In
Use your Account to manage DoPricer or search for DoPricer and follow the steps from:
Go straight to DoPricer
and follow the steps above.
- Scroll down and Select Standard or Plus edition 14-day free trial
- Within the order form, you'll see a section to Enter the HubSpot Portal ID in the yellow “additional information” section
- Your Portal ID is displayed in your HubSpot top-right corner menu
- Enter, for example #1234567
- NOTE: You must be a HubSpot Super Admin in your portal to install an app
- Click Save details > Next
- If you have a discount voucher, apply it here
- Complete the purchase.
- To check the connection, See all my apps via the Mosaic menu option
- Initially, the Icon appears in faded grey, whilst the “account is being created”
- Refresh the screen to see the solid app icon appear.
Install, Re-install or Uninstall DoPricer CPQ on HubSpot
In your “MyApps” screen on the HubDo Marketplace, click the App Icon to Connect DoPricer on HubSpot
From here you can Update your Subscription and Manage all aspects of your DoPricer Subscription:
Click > Manage - see dropdown options
Return to your “MyApps” screen and click the App icon to take you directly to your HubSpot Connected Apps
- The icon knows that your app is installed, and takes you directly into the HubSpot portal.
- If you accidentally uninstall DoPricer from HubSpot, use your MyApps icon to reinstall
Test your Master Switch in your App Settings
Toggle the DoPricer Master Switch. Make sure that it is ON
- When off, DoPricer takes no action in your Hubspot portal and does not process any deal line items
- Use this to temporarily disable the app if required. No need to uninstall and reinstall
- When enabled, you can still disable DoPricer on each Company.
You will not be able to activate your master switch if your subscription is canceled or suspended. Contact Hubdo Support if unsure.
How to Setup Company View for managing DoPricer CPQ Discounts
Make it easy to manage all your Company Discounts in a single HubSpot view, much like a spreadsheet.
- From your HubSpot top menu, view Contacts > Companies
- Add a new tab by clicking + Add View > Create a new view
- Name your view. For example DoPricer
- Choose Private, Team (if you are a member) or Everyone

- If you do not want regular users to see and potentially change discounts using this view, mark it Private. You can change this later.
5. On the far right-hand side, click Edit Columns.
6. On the right side, remove all selected columns, leaving only the Company name
7. On the left-side panel, scroll down to the DoPricer section and add the following in this recommended order:
- DoPricer Enabled
- Discount by Product Items
- Discount Default
- Click Apply
- Click Save View
8. Adjust column widths or add more columns to suit your preferences
- Click any column heading to sort by that column
- Edit cells directly in this view, much like a spreadsheet
- for example DoPricer Enabled = On or Off
- Remember to click Save
- DoPricer must be switched ON to allow Discounts or special pricing for Companies.
9. Use this view to easily edit and enter your company discounts per company here - similar to editing a spreadsheet.
How to set a default discount per company
The DoPricer CPQ default discount is set in the Discount Default property per company and applies to new line items on the deals for that company.
Note: DoPricer CPQ must be enabled for that company.
If a Product Item Discount or Product Category Discount exists on that company for a given line item, no default discount will apply.
- Enter a number in the Discount Default property, which is found in the DoPricer group of properties for each Hubspot company.
- The number you enter represents a percentage discount applied to the price on each new line item on a deal.
- For example 10, represents a 10 percent discount
- The only company discounts applied by DoPricer, are those stored on the Primary company associated with the deal.
- The number you enter represents a percentage discount applied to the price on each new line item on a deal.
- There are several easy ways to set the Discount Default company property
- View properties on a single company, set the Discount Default property, and save
- From Company List View with the Discount Default column visible, directly set an amount in the property cell for a single company, and save.
- From Company List View:
- select one or more companies
- Click edit
- Choose Discount Default
- Enter a value, for example, 10 (for a 10% discount)
- Click Update
- Use a HubSpot Company Workflow to set the Default Discount property, based on the trigger and rules use 'add to the workflow'.
- Once a value is set on a Discount Default company property, DoPricer will apply the discount to a line item under the following conditions:
- The App Settings DoPricer Master Switch is On
- The company property DoPricer Enabled = On
- The company has no Line Item Discount which matches the line item SKU, as that takes precedence over all other discounts.
- The company has no Category Discount (DoPricer Plus edition) which applies to the line item product category, as that takes precedence before Default Discount.
Congratulations! You're ready to start using DoPricer for all Deals and Quotes.